May is Hepatitis awareness month and today is Hepatitis testing day

May is Hepatitis awareness month and today is Hepatitis testing day

May is Hepatitis awareness month and today is Hepatitis testing day. This day is an opportunity to shed light on this hidden epidemic by raising awareness of viral hepatitis and encouraging priority populations to get tested.
Who should get tested for Hepatitis C?
• Anyone who has injected drugs, even just once or many years ago
• Anyone with certain medical conditions, such as chronic liver disease and HIV or AIDS
• Anyone who has received donated blood or organs before 1992
• Anyone born from 1945 through 1965
• Anyone with abnormal liver tests or liver disease
• Health and safety workers who have been exposed to blood on the job through a needle stick or injury with a sharp object
• Anyone on hemodialysis
• Anyone born to a mother with Hepatitis C